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on Jan 7, 2015
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The meeting was held, the city presented its proposed plan to renovate the park to the commission. Representatives of the APC spoke in favor of including findings with the decision that would recognize the relationship between the park and the parking/access and the history of that relationship. Dave Smoker spoke of dealing with this very issue 30 years ago when he was president of the club and the current parking situation being the the agreed result of that series of meetings.     The way the system works, the city presents it’s side, we respond with our side, then they get a final rebuttal. After that, testimony is closed and the commission decides.     During their final rebuttal, city staff, including a representative of city legal department, presented new information, their contention that it would be improper for the LUCC to consider our proposed findings. We were unable to challenge that, though we believe the law is on our side.    The LUCC did not include our findings. The point of these findings is to insure that we have constructive access to the multi-use area. Without that, the city may refuse us access by refusing to provide a key to the bollard(s).     We have filed an appeal with the city. This appeal appeals the decision of the LUCC to the city council. The reasons for the appeal are specifically that the process itself was flawed by allowing the city to present new information during their “rebuttal” time while not allowing the APC the opportunity to respond.     We are in contact with the city parks department and will be meeting with them early in January 2015. The hope is that we can reach a written agreement that satisfies both the parks department and the APC so that the appeal of the LUCC decision to the council may be withdrawn.   A copy of our appeal may be found here.

on Dec 15, 2014
133 views 3 mins

We hired an attorney with significant experience working with the city in similar situations. He has been quite helpful. We have participated in a number of meetings with city parks department and other interested parties. We have raised the awareness of our members and our community to the value the APC provides to our community and the critical need for parking. In doing the above, we changed the dynamic, the parks department has changed the designs to something that will work for us. The city parks and recreation department presented the most recent set of revised plans to the city Landmarks and Urban Conservation Commission for their approval on December 10.  We supported that plan but, we asked that the commission also approve findings that would support our continuing right to parking and access. We believe that, as a direct result of an abuse of process, these findings were not approved. We will appeal that decision. We feel this is important. Dave Smoker had to deal with this same issue back in 1981 when the city truncated Elm St. We hope to preclude this from happening again. The current design presented to the Landmarks and Urban Conservation Commission. Note the vehicle graphics parked. The area that is now our parking lot gets converted to a multi-use plaza, available as overflow parking when needed. It will be blocked with a bollard that, presumably, we will have a key to.     This graphic portrays the revised plan in black, overlayed on the existing configuration in gray.   Note, the circle at the West end of Highland Park Circle becomes parking, a smaller circle is created at the East end where it meets Elm.       The parking surfaces will be permiable pavers. The grade at the current lot area will change from ascending to the east to descending to   the east with a walkway out to the street at the east end. The multi-use plaza will have a dense canopy of trees, allowing casual recreation, or parking, between the trees. Providing we can get an agreement that will allow the APC continuing use of the overflow parking with key access for the club, we believe this is an equitable plan that preserves our parking while incorporating community uses.  

on Dec 7, 2014
199 views 3 secs

Our front porch is restored to being itself, a porch, and what a grand porch it is. We still need some paint, some stain, and additional lighting but, our porch is once again a porch and it is open for business. Come join us in celebration of the major accomplishments in restoring our historic clubhouse. For those who have forgotten, a picture of the porch as it was. The NW corner of our porch was enclosed in the late 1930’s or early 1940’s to provide space to rent to boarders. This space has been used as an office (junk collecting room) since the Albuquerque Press Club purchased the building in 1973. It has been a long time dream to restore this space to it’s original glory.  

on Aug 13, 2014
129 views 13 mins

It seems the park service intends to remove the parking lot we use, replacing it with grass. This is a really big deal to us and, we believe, to the greater City of Albuquerque. What the parking lot provides: 1. Quite regularly there are events at the Hotel Parq Central, in the park itself, or at the APC that already fill the surrounding streets after having filled the parking lot. 2. EDO increased the parking density significantly. Existing businesses on Central already regularly fill the street parking on Elm, extending around the corner onto Gold in both directions. 3. Weddings in the park regularly use the parking at the top of the  hill for the wedding party. 4. The historical nature of this road through the park continues but, will be damaged. Historically the road (now parking lot) was used by men to show off their cars, it still is used that way today. Historically the road was used to provide a view of the park, it still is.  5. The city, in the 1970’s, eliminated the portion of Elm St. that extended Southward through the park, reducing our available parking significantly. At that time they (the city) agreed to slightly widen the eastern portion of Highland Park Circle (which they did) to provide some additional parking. This did not fully offset the parking they removed, it was a compromise.  What the APC provides to the city: The APC, in the historic Whittlesey House, has fulfilled a variety of unique community uses in the past, and continues to fulfill many of the historic uses of the Highland Park . When listening to the stories of Mary-Lou Heaphy (as a child she grew up in the Whittlesey House) one learns of the rich history of both the Whittlesey House and the park (the park was designed by Mayor Tingley in cooperation with Mary-Lou’s mother Ms McCallum).  She speaks of the people and their interpersonal interactions, of the music and the relaxing times, and of the children at play.  Today families and communities are different but the importance of community remains. There is a strong and unique bond between the park and the Whittlesey House.  The story is, Mrs. M., the then owner of the Whittlesey House, donated the land that encompasses the park to the city, as a park, back when her friend Clyde Tingley was the Mayor.  The park and the Whittlesey have, ever since then, been intertwined in their activities. The Highland Park was, and is, about more than children.  The Whittlesey House played a significant role in the lives of many, and functions of the park in the past, it also does today.  The Albuquerque Press Club works hard to maintain that tradition.  As the House was a draw on residents throughout Albuquerque 90 years ago; it continues to be today.  The Whittlesey House was a hub for social and cultural interaction 90 years ago; it remains that today. We members of the Albuquerque Press Club oftentimes refer to the TV show “Cheers” when describing our club.  For the regulars, it is a place “where everyone knows your name”.  Yes, we are “Cheers”, yet we are so much more. The Whittlesey House provides a space for community growth in partnership with Highland Park. Weddings are held in Highland Park with the reception at the Whittlesey House (recently we had a wedding in our front yard, again with the reception at the Whittlesey House).  For those who attend these events the Whittlesey House continues to be a unique social and cultural venue. Adult birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings and receptions, wakes: all these (and more) regularly happen in our clubhouse.  Our layout and policies allow a type and level of interaction not found in other venues around town.  Special events are encouraged to bring their own food or provide catered foods. The Whittlesey House continues to be a venue for regular gatherings. A Toastmasters group meets in our boardroom bi-weekly.  A motor-scooter group meets in the boardroom and poolroom weekly.  A spelunker group meets monthly in the clubhouse.  We’ve had a Volkswagen group meeting a dart club, neighborhood association meetings, and other regular meetings held in our clubhouse.  We continue to welcome to these types of events into our clubhouse. The Whittlesey House continues to bring art and community together.  Mary-Lou talked of the artists on the front porch.  Come to our clubhouse on warm nights in the spring; summer; fall; you will find groups of people sitting at the tables on our front porch interacting and a rotation of art hanging in our shared spaces. Music was and continues to be a significant attraction at the park, the Whittlesey House in particular. We host a Ukulele Club meeting in our front room on alternating Thursdays; on alternating Tuesdays we host a Big Band Rehearsal and a Rockabilly practice session in our front room.  We also have  DJ events in our front room.  The variety of musical events come and go as peoples’ wants and needs change.  We’ve had  “garage bands” of professional adults who just want a place to play their music for themselves and their friends.  We’ve hosted open-mic nights for musicians who wish to participate in an evolving musical scene.  We’ve hosted aspiring music groups who want a place to practice and play for their friends, while hoping to use our venue as an entryway into larger venues. Sometimes it’s just a pianist who plays the piano, or a small group of friends playing their guitars. In the past, we’ve held music events on our patio, or on the front porch playing into our front yard and Highland Park.  These are always popular and well attended. Table games continue to live in the park at the Whittlesey House.  Visitors to our clubhouse find groups playing rummicube, scrabble, and other board and table games.  Not so visible are the twice weekly Bridge games in the card room. The Whittlesey House is the location of annual fund-raising events

on Jan 14, 2014
156 views 53 secs

Buy The House! With your generous contribution to the Whittlesey House Preservation Foundation.                                                                                                                                               Thanks for your support: Buy a cooler #1 (Front Room) $900                                   Steve Satchwell Buy cooler #1 roof-top ducting $100                                  Steve Satchwell Buy a cooler #2 (Bar) $900                                                     Let us put your name here Buy cooler #2 roof-top ducting $150                                   Pam Micker Buy a cooler #3 (BdRm, Fl Dck) $900                                  Let us put your name here Buy a cooler #3 roof-top ducting $170                                 Michael Banes Install coolers and ducting (labor) $1,500                  Jonathan Wright & Thom Wright Install wiring for coolers $400                                   Jonathan Wright & Thom Wright Buy a porch foundation #1 $1,600 Buy a porch post #1 $200 Buy a porch foundation #2 $1,600                                                            Thank you Jim! Buy a porch post #2 $200                                                                             The costs of this project came in Buy a porch foundation #3 $1,600                                                            lower than projected. Jim Riordan          Buy a porch post #3 $200                                                                              covered the entire project cost.  Buy a porch foundation #4 $1,600 Buy a porch post #4 $200 Buy a porch foundation #5 $1,600 Buy a porch post #5 $200 We will purchase and install the materials with your generous tax deductible cash contributions to the Whittlesey House Preservation Foundation.    Your reward? The great feeling of knowing you served your community and, we will list your name and donation on a recognition plaque for posterity. Coolers: 3@ AeroCool Pro 6800 CFM Horizontal Draft Custom Ductwork Porch Posts: 5 large log sections Porch Foundations: Remove stone +, excavate for footing, install concrete and steel rebar      footing, install concrete and steel column to top of wall, re-install stone. 

on Dec 27, 2013
142 views 3 secs

Alert! You are cordially invited to the opening reception for the exhibition of works by david K. Thompson: “MY NAME IS LEGION,” ANONYMITY VIA UBIQUITY and accompanying art installation NSK STATE DACHA Opening Friday, 27 December 2013, 7:00PM The art will remain up until the ceiling is removed in January. Albuquerque Press Club 201 Highland Park Cir SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 PROGRAM Exhibition Opening Reception Introductory remarks about NSK STATE DACHA and NSK State Passport application information Screening of NSK film clips MUSIC PROGRAM Industrial A/V presentation engineered by david K. LAIBACH TRIBUTE and reinterpretations by ENEMY TONE. Featuring Kenneth Cornell of Alchemical Burn and Christopher Acevedo. DARK PARTY Featuring DJ VOSH spinning ambient, electro and industrial music ADMISSION is free but an invitation is required. Contact: NSKDACHA@yahoo.com